Advanced SEO

#1 Google Page Dominance is the Ultimate SEO goal

✍ Written by Krisada Eaton.    🔊 Read by AI Assistant Jennifer.

#1 Page Dominance is owning all of the organic rankings above the fold or beyond.



1 2 3 Page Dominance Real SEO Life 
Exact Domain Match is low hanging fruit that opens the door to this page dominant search result. 

This is why your domain name should be selected for the overall higher level, broad search strategy with the most usable combinations in mind and not for one specific high volume keyword phrase that might be limited for broader variations.


The ultimate goal for ranking keyword searches is to not only claim the #1 position ....but also all of the positions that are visible in the first screen before having to scroll to see more, or all of the postitions "above the fold".

This is too deep a topic with lots of nuances and examples to cover in this article properly. 

But it is important to know that there's more to be achieved beyond ranking #1 for a handful of targeted search terms.

And the ONLY way to get there is to specifically optimize several websites and social channels with the end goal of Page Dominance in mind .



1 2 3 Page Dominance Real SEO Life

Branded domains should be much easier to create SEO Page Dominance ...and if you aren't dominating with your brand name then it's time to change your strategy and apply more effort.


Once upon a time Page Dominance was a far more common unfair advantage. This one is from October 2017.

Page Dominance was eventually struck down by Google, reduced to be only 2 organic listings per domain for any given search query.

The 2 organic listings per domain has held true for years. But as mentioned ....there's still a way of achieving page dominance.


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Page Dominance techniques were especially powerful for large eCommerce websites like this one, that had a series of searchable part numbers. The trick here is to avoid cookie cutter boiler plate product descriptions and customize each link to be top tier ....or as some called it "link sculpting".

Page Dominance is an important discussion because I have seen signs of it coming back in favor as a reliable tactic.

Using rapid development and social networks, multiple relevant web property clusters can be optimized to rank for the same search query, thus creating page dominance.

Who knows if this will hold true for any length of time, but those that are believers will be the authors of new Page Dominance stories.