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SEO Life. A Typical Day In The Life of A Freelance Sr. SEO Specialist

SEO Life - A day in the life of an Sr. SEO Specialist Knight Slaying Digital Dragon 01

A typical day in SEO Life slaying digital dragons might be a fearfully routine for some, but for this freelance SEO Specialist that's been around long enough to have a distinguishing "Senior" knighted to the title, it's anything but routine or fearful. 😂

I will say that regardless of which era of my SEO Life I was traversing, homebased newbie web designer, Jr. SEO ad agency apprentice or corporate executive digital marketing director of all-things-search ...my days did have a consistent thread that still holds true now.


For me, a typical day in the life of this SEO Specialist has these essential components, in this order.

  1. First, and always first, a quick scan of the "Project Board". Spying the projects for anything unusual is the due dilligence that quells concerns that something might be afoot. More often than not, this is when I catch most errors, attacks or anomolies - good, bad or otherwise. This is also the first chance discovery of gold nuggets as they reveal themselves by disturbing the familiar landscape.

  2. Next is the inevitable analytical dive into each of the day's SEO rabbit holes, commencing with coffee in hand by now hopefully.

  3. And from there the chase to form a story out of our harvest of word charts, numbers and graphs leads me to the other side of partially formed notes and observations that beg to be attached to relevance. The quest for relevance becomes the direction for the next round of SEO implementations.

After having indulged in the first few rabbit holes of the day I turn to the more structured priorities in the belief that these endevors will end in a paid email invoice at some point.


Rinse & Repeat is the reality of SEO Life

That's my typical morning SEO life of review, investigate, analyze and formulate an actionable story from the data gathered overnight.

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